June 30, 2004
Rev. Moon: Now It's For Real
People, what else can I do to convince you that this story is worth wasting your eyeball moisture on?
MoonDavisDirksenFreakGate has made it to The Daily Show.
To be fair, Danny Davis has for once managed to avoid the spotlight, with Roscoe Bartlett getting the focus tonight as the example patsy Congressperson.
MoonDavisDirksenFreakGate has made it to The Daily Show.
To be fair, Danny Davis has for once managed to avoid the spotlight, with Roscoe Bartlett getting the focus tonight as the example patsy Congressperson.
Topinka Flexing Muscle Over Senate Pick
Looks like Rauschenberger may already be out:
[Peter] Fitzgerald also accused Topinka of setting up a vetting process for replacement candidates so it would exclude candidates such as state Sen. Steve Rauschenberger, R-Elgin, who lost to Ryan in the March primary.If he's making public statements like this … Doesn't look good, Steve.
Fitzgerald said Topinka wants screeners to review certain documents, such as drunken driving arrests, and credit histories of candidates.
Rauschenberger was arrested for drunken driving in 1994 and had furniture and hardware stores that closed in the 1990s. He has said he closed the stores because they did not make money and that he never filed personal or corporate bankruptcy.
"I think she has designed the criteria to rule him out," Fitzgerald said.
The party hopes to have a replacement candidate by mid-July, [GOP Spokescritter] Gerwig said.
Rauschenberger questioned why he would have to go through a screening process at all.
"If the screening process is for novice candidates, I guess I would understand," Rauschenberger said. "What are the implications for a candidate like myself, having won a number of elections, if they were to find me not qualified?"
Obama to Give DNC Keynote?
Via So-Called Austin Mayor:
UPDATE: But, no one will see it …
The Democratic National Committee has not yet announced or, in fact, selected the keynote speaker for its convention in Boston next month, but Senator John Kerry, the likely Democratic presidential nominee, let a hint slip here this morning.Can't say I'm surprised: what other Democrat has received such star treatment and unbridled adulation on the national scene this year? They need to do this after letting the GOP take the "big tent" concept away from them four years ago. Besides Jesse Jackson, when was the last time a person of color was in such a high-profile position in the party? [This post edited for clarity.]
"I cannot wait to hear his voice," Mr. Kerry said of Barack Obama, the Democratic Senate candidate here in Illinois, who became a hot commodity in national political circles after emerging from a crowded primary field this spring.
UPDATE: But, no one will see it …
Rev. Moon presents: The Meaning of Life (PowerPoint edition)
Via Radosh.net and Velizar:
The Principle of Creation - Divine Principle Two Hour LectureI know you're just dying to see the True Parents Venn diagram!
The fundamental questions about life and the universe can never be solved without understanding the nature of God, who created all things.
June 29, 2004
GOP Senate Whack-a-mole
Via Taegan Goddard's excellent Political Wire
I'd rank them:
Now that Illinois Senate candidate Jack Ryan (R) has quit the race, Survey USA asked Republicans who they would like to replace him:I don't believe that they really think they can still win. What they mean by "right amount of cash" is "self-financer who won't drain the party coffers on a lost cause."The AP says Republicans think they can still win the race and "insist all they need is the right candidate and the right amount of cash."
- Former Gov. Jim Thompson - 44%
- Jim Oberweis - 22%
- Steve Rauschenberger - 17%
- Ron Gidwitz - 4%
I'd rank them:
- Rauschenberger: ran a cost-efficient primary campaign with better-than-expected results; is a standard bearer for the party's core beliefs
- Gidwitz: business ties gets him cash to run on; can go negative as a virtual unknown with nothing to lose
- Corinne Wood: moderate, pro-choice, could take suburban votes
- Oberweis: demagoging the immigration issue smacked of racism; conservative but not a politician, a lesson learned from neophyte Ryan
June 28, 2004
Davis-Moon, it just keeps going
Oh, no you didn't!
I'll let Dennis Roddy finish his thought:
The official story from Davis' office was that he had no idea what was about to unfold when Moon went to the stage.Ha! I love the chutzpah. Put on these white gloves, you say? Well, alright, I don't want to be rude … hmm, a crown on a velvet pillow? I don't know, I am a Congressman, after all. Bow to him? OK, but that's the last thing! May I go now please, True Parent?
"We didn't anticipate the event to be one of a crowning ceremony for Rev. Moon," said Richard Boykin, Davis' chief of staff.
Why, then, was Davis carrying the crown to Moon?
"In the spirit of decorum, you just don't walk out," Boykin said.
I'll let Dennis Roddy finish his thought:
Davis' profession of surprise would carry more weight if his own ethics disclosure forms did not show him accepting honoraria totaling more than $5,000 from two Moon fronts, the Family Federation for World Peace and the Pure Love Alliance.
The Pure Love Alliance, a pro-chastity group, worked its way into the curriculum of the Chicago Public Schools until it was ejected after someone noticed it advocating a Moon theory called "absolute sex." The theory, as espoused by Moon, suggested sex with a partner chosen by Moon.
Ryan and the meta-sin
Chicago journalist Christopher Hayes writes in The New Republic that the Ryan affair was all "meta-sin" (i.e., the way he bungled the handling of the divorce papers rather than the content) and no actual sin, meaning that, if you actually look at it, what he and wife Jeri did did not rise to the level of something that should bring down a candidate for Senate. Some folks might find their actions objectionable, perhaps, but no serious wrong was done. To wit:
Eric Zorn addresses Hayes and defends the media's response thusly:
There can't be a meta-sin without a sin; the only reason there's a sin in this case is because journalists are incapable of writing about sex and politicians in any kind of considered or nuanced way--that is, incapable of distinguishing between a sex scandal in which someone did something wrong and a sex scandal in which someone did nothing wrong.There's no doubt about that fact. But I think Chris somewhat misses the mark:
The point is that Ryan shouldn't be taken to task by scolds for mishandling embarrassing allegations when it is these same scolds who incorrectly define the allegations as embarrassing in the first place. [emphasis in the original]If Ryan hadn't sealed the files in the first place, Hayes would have a point. I think this was a de facto acknowledgement that Ryan was either embarrassed by his actions (unlikely) or believed it would be a deal-breaker for Republican voters (more likely), long before and quite independent of any media assessment.
Eric Zorn addresses Hayes and defends the media's response thusly:
The point that eludes Hayes is that even if Jack Ryan were trying to cover up a parking ticket, his statements and tactics in the service of that concealment are a legitimate gauge of his character, which in turn many voters feel is a measure of his fitness for office.Still, what this was all about was sex, reactions to sex and anticipatory reactions about reactions to sex. Nobody would try to conceal a parking ticket. It's time for detente.
Fitzgerald for Senate (Patrick, that is)
Rumors of US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald being considered to replace Jack Ryan:
Fitzgerald, unlike former Jim Thompson when he served as U.S. Attorney, has shown no interest in running for public office. He is not known for leaking information about ongoing cases to the media the way Thompson did.This seems really far-fetched. It's just hard to imagine what it would take to convince Fitzgerald to take on such an unenviable task as this when he is currently conducting a major investigation — the Plame/CIA leak — that goes right to the highest offices in the land. The Plame case can be won, the Illinois Senate race will be lost.
If Fitzgerald has not interest, then why are Washington movers and shakers putting out the word that he is their guy?
The answer is not new and not surprising. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats in the bi-partisan Illinois establishment combine want a U.S. Attorney in Chicago who will really fight corruption., political corruption, that is.
They want to induce Patrick Fitzgerald to step down as U.S. Attorney to run for U.S. Senate (or for any other reason). If they succeed, the possibility exists that he could be replaced by someone less dedicated to fighting political corruption than is Fitzgerald.
June 25, 2004
Ron Gidwitz, GOP Senate candidate?
ArchPundit has all your early background info on Gidwitz, who's one of several names being kicked around as a possible successor to the dearly departed Jack Ryan, here, here, here and here. How 'bout it, Ron? Care to join the Sacrificial Lamb Squad?
Dionne hitches to Obama's star
E.J. Dionne refreshes Obama's profile on the national scene with a nice op-ed piece today in the WaPo: In Illinois, a Star Prepares (bullshit registration required, or not)
"Democrats are reluctant to talk about big things," [Obama] says, because they're so fearful that "we'll be labeled tax-and-spend."It's almost embarrassing that he needs to restate what should be core Democratic principles, but that's where the party is right now, sorely in need of some backbone. I can't wait to have him on the floor representing Illinois and holding Daschle or whoever the leader is accountable. He and Durbin will be quite a team.
For Obama, reasonableness does not translate into timidity. If Democrats worry most about what Republicans will say about them, Obama says, they will be left with "this tepid, tired and rudderless message, one that can't move a lot of ordinary citizens who feel they're grinding it out, day in and day out, and not making any progress."
He frames the basic issue of our politics this way: "We need some balance between community and mutual obligation on the one side and the need for competitiveness and market incentives on the other. The biggest challenge for the Democrats is to articulate a plausible solution to this problem."
Ryan Aftermath: The Replacement
My money's on Rauschenberger: of course he doesn't have a chance, but the GOP will use the opportunity to run a pure ideologue and get their issues out there without needing to hew to the center. It's a face-saving move, too: trying to make a serious challenge with, say, an Edgar, at this point would just be another loss to endure in November. With Rauschenberger, they'd be able to go out with a bit of dignity and battle-test a challenger for Durbin's seat in 2008.
Ryan exit imminent?
Everyone's reporting that Jack is expected to drop out of the Senate race as early as this evening.
After gauging internal poll numbers and recent public polls, the Ryan campaign decided that carrying on would be futile, the source said.Looks like this will be the only timely damage control the Ryan campaign ever managed to do.
"His unfavorable [poll ratings] were ahead of his favorable. You can't win if your unfavorables are ahead of your favorables."
Friday non-Moon/Davis blogging
The Ponys: a great new Chicago band. It's like the Cure got in a car wreck with the Velvet Underground, and scientists accidentally mixed their DNA together and then cloned them and then they were the Ponys. (I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry.)
Thou-Shalt-See TV: "SODOMITE EYE FOR THE MAN RIGHTEOUS BEFORE THE LORD (BRAVO) Identical to "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy," except that each episode ends with the Fab Five being stoned to death. (Note: working title.)"
Thou-Shalt-See TV: "SODOMITE EYE FOR THE MAN RIGHTEOUS BEFORE THE LORD (BRAVO) Identical to "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy," except that each episode ends with the Fab Five being stoned to death. (Note: working title.)"
June 24, 2004
Davis-Moon reaches the Times
Well, now it's gone all the way to the Gray Lady. The story covers no new ground, basically the Times is arriving fashionably late. Again, Davis stands out as the most active participating Congressperson, although the reporter tries to frame it like he too was "surprised."
I've been focusing almost exclusively on the March 23rd event and that Davis would go along with a cult ceremony crowning its leader the Messiah. It's worth reminding people that Moon is not just a loopy, unsavory religious figure. Check out the articles on Moon's involvement with North Korean missile development and his influence peddling around Washington over at Consortium News.
I've been focusing almost exclusively on the March 23rd event and that Davis would go along with a cult ceremony crowning its leader the Messiah. It's worth reminding people that Moon is not just a loopy, unsavory religious figure. Check out the articles on Moon's involvement with North Korean missile development and his influence peddling around Washington over at Consortium News.
June 23, 2004
Davis-Moon hits the front page of the Post
Looks like I spoke too soon about seeing the end of this story. Page A1 of today's (Wednesday) Washington Post:
This bit caught my eye:
More than a dozen lawmakers attended a congressional reception this year honoring the Rev. Sun Myung Moon in which Moon declared himself the Messiah and said his teachings have helped Hitler and Stalin be "reborn as new persons."Yep, that pretty much sums it up. Poor Danny; you'll never be able to shake the "white glove-wearing Congressman who crowned Moon" label.
At the March 23 ceremony in the Dirksen Senate Office Building, Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-Ill.) wore white gloves and carried a pillow holding an ornate crown that was placed on Moon's head. The Korean-born businessman and religious leader then delivered a long speech saying he was "sent to Earth . . . to save the world's six billion people. . . . Emperors, kings and presidents . . . have declared to all Heaven and Earth that Reverend Sun Myung Moon is none other than humanity's Savior, Messiah, Returning Lord and True Parent."
This bit caught my eye:
Davis said in an interview that he is a lifelong Methodist who does not agree with many of Moon's religious teachings. [emphasis added]Hmm? I'm no Divinity School alum, but I'm almost certain Davis is a Baptist, and has claimed as much in the recent spate of Moon-related interviews. Did the interviewer transcribe this wrong, or did Davis tell him "Methodist?"
Davis said that some Moon associates have donated money to his congressional campaigns, but that that has nothing to do with his support for Moon's organization.The thing is: I believe him. Until he started going on the record comparing Moon's coronation to a Scouts meeting, I just assumed Davis was in it for the money. Of course no serious person would have anything to do with Moon unless it was strictly business, I thought. I think the relationship to Moon is closer and more complex than we yet know.
June 22, 2004
Davis-Moon Watch, ongoing
Barack Obama must be the only person happier than Danny Davis that Jack Ryan's divorce files have dropped. Jack's lying takes the spotlight off Davis and his dalliances with Moon for the foreseeable future, just as the story was gaining traction in Chicago, with both the Trib and the Daily Southtown picking it up in print. The whole phenomenon was rather ephemeral to begin with; a surge of interest over a months-old event that could only happen in the age of blogs and Google caches. Of course, though, the story of the coronation and its Congressional representation is alive and well: witness Monday's Salon lead article from Gorenfeld, and local pieces from around the country (cf. Pittsburgh; my hometown of Frederick, MD, which needs a healthy dose of BugMeNot, unfortunately). And everyone who knows the story knows Davis is the only attending Congressman that's not distancing himself from the event's stated purpose. So it's not hard to imagine the focus looping back around to him somewhere down the road.
I don't believe Davis has a political problem yet, especially this year when Democrats are loathe to jeopardize any safe seat. The district is so heavily Democratic — Davis' share of the general election vote in each of his wins has been 80% or above — that it's nearly inconceivable that it would fall into GOP hands. (However, his Republican opponent, Antonio Davis-Fairman is also African-American; while inexperienced and virtually unknown to voters — he received less votes running unopposed in the Republican primary than the last place candidate in the three-way Democratic race — he could present himself as the sane alternative to Davis in a heavily African-American district.)
But Davis does have a major image problem now. It could become a weakness that draws out a serious primary challenge in two years. But mostly, it's embarrassing, and not the kind of embarrassment that solicits sympathy. As if the mere association to Moon wasn't bad enough, Davis compounds the problem by delivering bewildering rationalizations of the infamous coronation:
I don't believe Davis has a political problem yet, especially this year when Democrats are loathe to jeopardize any safe seat. The district is so heavily Democratic — Davis' share of the general election vote in each of his wins has been 80% or above — that it's nearly inconceivable that it would fall into GOP hands. (However, his Republican opponent, Antonio Davis-Fairman is also African-American; while inexperienced and virtually unknown to voters — he received less votes running unopposed in the Republican primary than the last place candidate in the three-way Democratic race — he could present himself as the sane alternative to Davis in a heavily African-American district.)
But Davis does have a major image problem now. It could become a weakness that draws out a serious primary challenge in two years. But mostly, it's embarrassing, and not the kind of embarrassment that solicits sympathy. As if the mere association to Moon wasn't bad enough, Davis compounds the problem by delivering bewildering rationalizations of the infamous coronation:
"People crown kings and queens at homecoming parades all the time," (to Eric Zorn, Chicago Tribune)
"You know the Boy Scouts have rituals that they go through and they make individuals Eagle Scouts and they give awards and presentations." (to Christopher Hayes, Chicago Reader)
Davis wouldn't budge, comparing the elaborate ceremony to a "fraternity or sorority meeting," or rituals performed by the local Elks lodge. "That's kind of the way I regard these ceremonies." (to Rich Miller, Capitol Fax)What's troubling is that Davis may well be the only person on earth who believes that. Surely the true believers at the Dirksen took Moon at his word. And the Congresspeople who have sinced disavowed the event took it seriously enough to go out of their way to claim they didn't know what it was really about. Ironically, Davis dismisses the event as "symbolic" and yet fails to grasp that it's precisely the symbology of this religious ceremony taking place on government grounds with governmental countenance that's set this whole thing in motion. Davis comes across as a dupe or a low-rent flak for Moon, and I don't know which is worse. In any case, Davis is clearly willing to risk being seen as a loony cultist rather than running afoul of Moon, for what reason, we still do not know.
June 20, 2004
Davis-Moon public service
As of 2pm CDT on Sunday, June 20, 2004, Jon Gorenfeld's site appears to be down (or is at least unreachable from my entry point to the Internet: can anyone report their experience trying to access it?).
So, as a public service in case the Moonies have gone into enemy-eradication mode (note: my tongue in planted firmly in cheek here), here's the Google cache of Gorenfeld's blog's homepage.
So, as a public service in case the Moonies have gone into enemy-eradication mode (note: my tongue in planted firmly in cheek here), here's the Google cache of Gorenfeld's blog's homepage.
June 17, 2004
Davis-Moon Watch, Part IV
The story breaks big, as Eric Zorn of the Trib posts twice on it in his online Notebook, and Chris Hayes has a lengthy piece in the Chicago Reader (no online version, but John Gorenfeld got permission to repost it on his blog in its entirety).
June 15, 2004
Davis-Moon Watch, Part III
Capitol Fax gets the interview I never got to do:
So, why does he bother with Moon? There are plenty of faith-based groups that talk peace and family values. He's definitely not trying to distance himself: is he getting contributions from Moon? Sure would be nice if a Chicago-based investigative reporter picked up this ball.
Davis said he "probably" met people associated with Moon "at some black church event or something with ministers and the relationship has probably grown over the years." (Moon's organization has run an outreach program to African-American activists and churches since the mid-1990s.)Davis sounds like a guy in denial with himself about how deep he is in something he knows is raising eyebrows all over. Either that or he's just soft-pedaling his criticism for fear of alienating Moon.
"Generally, whenever I'm around them, they're talking two things, peace and family values. Both are things that I have a great deal of interest in, although I probably disagree with many of their social positions."
So, why does he bother with Moon? There are plenty of faith-based groups that talk peace and family values. He's definitely not trying to distance himself: is he getting contributions from Moon? Sure would be nice if a Chicago-based investigative reporter picked up this ball.
Obama and Ryan broach topic of debates
Obama made his pitch in a news conference, in which he asked for six long, discussion-oriented forums, with at least four outside the Chicago media market. […]Ultimately, as the article says, sponsors and media outlets will constrain the debates to the formats we're now used to. But it's a smart move on Obama's part as it demonstrates to voters the best of his intentions: once more he puts political fortunes at risk (mildly, in this case, but taking chances with his considerable lead nonetheless) for a principle, to have a more meaningful discussion of issues.
Obama's news conference Sunday was somewhat surprising. Typically, it is the underdog who steps before the media first in the hope that public debates will even things out. Obama has been substantially ahead of Ryan, an investor turned inner-city-school teacher, in public opinion polls.
June 14, 2004
Obama's voting record
As expected, Ryan's campaign is digging into Obama voting record on the floor of the Illinois legislature, trying to turn Obama's decisions into potential liabilities. From the AP:
This race is not a referendum on Obama's voting record, because he's not the incumbent U.S. Senator. This race is about who is more qualified to legislate for the interests of Illinois. Ryan's campaign will have to work very hard to convince the undecided that he deserves this distinction more than Obama.
Ryan is already hitting him on taxes and guns, contending Obama has supported huge tax increases on businesses, turned his back on gun owners and espoused other views that are far too liberal for Illinois. […]A voting record is generally a two-edged sword: on the one hand it does hold Obama accountable to various political positions that could be unpopular, but on the other it reminds us that he has a record, and that Ryan has no similar experience. But I have to believe that in this race, the latter edge is a lot sharper than the former. Primary voters rewarded Obama in large part for being the candidate who has skin in every deal, putting his political life at risk to take the stances he believes in. It demonstrates his integrity. It establishes trust with the voter. "Hypocrite" or "flip-flopper" are not words you'll hear anyone use to describe Obama. How can Ryan prove to Illinoisians that he's a man of his word, that he's a politician who will put his constituents interests above his own? To what record can he point?
Obama acknowledges he has had to make some tough decisions on measures that may go over well in his inner-city legislative district but not elsewhere. But he says he has tried to maintain a consistent voting record — something Ryan, a political newcomer, hasn't dealt with.
"I think it's one of the things that differentiates me from Mr. Ryan, who can say a lot of things but isn't accountable for anything he says," Obama said. "Nothing's easier than standing on the sidelines and trying to score cheap political points."
This race is not a referendum on Obama's voting record, because he's not the incumbent U.S. Senator. This race is about who is more qualified to legislate for the interests of Illinois. Ryan's campaign will have to work very hard to convince the undecided that he deserves this distinction more than Obama.
Davis-Moon blog roundup
There's been no shortage of blogging on the Bizarro World in which elected representatives literally crowned a media baron and cult leader the King of Peace.
- Metafilter: Congratulations to the new American Messiah!
- Crooked Timber: WTF?
- Mark Perkel Rantz: Syung Mung Moon Crowned King in US Senate Building
- Jon Sullivan: Sun Myung Moon Crowned Messiah By Congressmen
- WorkingForChange: The Rev. Moon's last stand?
The time has come for you as well to open your hearts and receive the secrets that Heaven is disclosing in this age through me. In one sense, I am a human being living with a physical body like each of you. But in the context of Heaven's providence, I am God's ambassador, sent to earth with His full authority. I am sent to accomplish His command to save the world's six billion people, restoring them to Heaven with the original goodness in which they were created.
The five great saints and many other leaders in the spirit world, including even Communist leaders such as Marx and Lenin, who committed all manner of barbarity and murders on earth, and dictators such as Hitler and Stalin, have found strength in my teachings, mended their ways and been reborn as new persons. Emperors, kings and presidents who enjoyed opulence and power on earth, and even journalists who had worldwide fame, have now placed themselves at the forefront of the column of the true love revolution. Together they have sent to earth a resolution expressing their determination in the light of my teaching of the true family ideal. They have declared to all Heaven and Earth that Reverend Sun Myung Moon is none other than humanity's Savior, Messiah, Returning Lord and True Parent. This resolution has been announced on every corner of the globe.
June 13, 2004
Davis-Moon Watch, Part II
I think I can state without hyperbole that this video is truly one of the most unsettling things I have seen: to see members of Congress participating in a cult-like ceremony in which a right-wing media tycoon and leader of a controversial church is proclaimed the messiah is nauseating. I'm not a Christian or even religious for that matter, so it's not as if I'm offended by Moon's claims (except on an intellectual level, of course). Is it really necessary to state that I am disturbed to see our elected representatives credulously and subserviently going along with it?
John Gorenfeld is all over this story, but I want to shine a light in particular on Rep. Danny Davis' piece in this, following up on my previous post. It's a longish video, but you need only watch the first few minutes which focus on the March 23rd event at the Senate Office Building. In it, we see Rep. Davis reading from a poem written by Moon, some treacle about a "crown of glory." Moments later, during the "highlight" of the evening — the "Crown Peace Ceremony" in which Moon and his wife are enrobed and various figures come before them and bow [a pang in my heart as I hear the name of the Congressman of my home district in Maryland, Roscoe Bartlett, announced] — Rep. Davis, wearing a set of white gloves, brings Moon a crown on a velvet pillow. (House Speaker Denny Hastert (IL 14, R) is also named in the video as having sent congratulations to Moon.)
I plan to call Rep. Davis' office Monday with several questions concerning this. I will try to post any responses and give the Congressman or his staff a chance to explain his participation in this strange ceremony. Update: No time today, will try again soon.
Update: Photos of Rep. Davis at the March 23rd event: here, here [that's Davis underneath the "s" in "Awards"] and here
John Gorenfeld is all over this story, but I want to shine a light in particular on Rep. Danny Davis' piece in this, following up on my previous post. It's a longish video, but you need only watch the first few minutes which focus on the March 23rd event at the Senate Office Building. In it, we see Rep. Davis reading from a poem written by Moon, some treacle about a "crown of glory." Moments later, during the "highlight" of the evening — the "Crown Peace Ceremony" in which Moon and his wife are enrobed and various figures come before them and bow [a pang in my heart as I hear the name of the Congressman of my home district in Maryland, Roscoe Bartlett, announced] — Rep. Davis, wearing a set of white gloves, brings Moon a crown on a velvet pillow. (House Speaker Denny Hastert (IL 14, R) is also named in the video as having sent congratulations to Moon.)
I plan to call Rep. Davis' office Monday with several questions concerning this. I will try to post any responses and give the Congressman or his staff a chance to explain his participation in this strange ceremony. Update: No time today, will try again soon.
Update: Photos of Rep. Davis at the March 23rd event: here, here [that's Davis underneath the "s" in "Awards"] and here
Franz Ferdinand
Metro * Chicago IL — Franz Ferdinand! Not just for archdukes any more, they proved yet again that a superior rhythm section does a great band usually make. I haven't seen a Metro crowd that electrified in a long time. In two or three new non-album songs I heard the family resemblance to the Talking Heads, a comparison often made but one I didn't get until then. Geek chic was definitely in effect throughout. They were a lot of fun; a first-rate show.


June 12, 2004
Rep. Davis and Sun Myung Moon
Does Congressman Danny Davis (IL 7, D) has some explaining to do? A screen capture [scroll a little more than half-way down the page] of a video of a bizarre event held at the Dirksen Senate Office Building in March appears to show Rep. Davis participating in the "coronation" of Washington Times publisher and self-professed messiah Sun Myung Moon. Davis is listed prominently on the guest list.
Why am I posting this now, months after the fact? Well, at the time, so soon after the Illinois Senate primary, it just wasn't on my radar. But recently a closer look (via Matt Yglesias) is being given to Moon's cozy relationship with a number of our federal elected officials. Davis, while not powerful Congressman, has been a reliable liberal and advocate for the poor, as he was during his time as 29th Ward alderman in the Harold Washington era. What's he doing not just allowing himself to be seen cavorting with Moon, but actively participating in a cult-like ceremony? Should Illinois democrats — and especially his constituents in the Loop, Near North and South Sides, the West Side and Oak Park — be concerned? And how do South and West Side black ministers — a large base of political clout for Davis, a Baptist — feel about it?
Why am I posting this now, months after the fact? Well, at the time, so soon after the Illinois Senate primary, it just wasn't on my radar. But recently a closer look (via Matt Yglesias) is being given to Moon's cozy relationship with a number of our federal elected officials. Davis, while not powerful Congressman, has been a reliable liberal and advocate for the poor, as he was during his time as 29th Ward alderman in the Harold Washington era. What's he doing not just allowing himself to be seen cavorting with Moon, but actively participating in a cult-like ceremony? Should Illinois democrats — and especially his constituents in the Loop, Near North and South Sides, the West Side and Oak Park — be concerned? And how do South and West Side black ministers — a large base of political clout for Davis, a Baptist — feel about it?
June 10, 2004
Wealth of nations (not so much)
June 09, 2004
Contradictions on torture
Nina Totenberg had a great segment on tonight's All Things Considered on just how consistent our executive branch is when it comes to torture.
She simply described the arguments by which the recently leaked Justice Department and Pentagon memos rationalize the President's authority to set aside signed agreements prohibiting torture vis-à-vis his role as Commander-in-Chief, and then she played clips of the Bush Administration's counsel contradicting the basis for these claims in front of the Supreme Court, in the context of the April hearing of the "enemy combatants" case.
I don't think counsel was trying to undermine the legal claims of these memos (of course, at the time, the public had no idea they existed). I think they were just trying to win the case in front of them. Earlier, needing to provide justification for torture, they choose a different set of foundational arguments.
She simply described the arguments by which the recently leaked Justice Department and Pentagon memos rationalize the President's authority to set aside signed agreements prohibiting torture vis-à-vis his role as Commander-in-Chief, and then she played clips of the Bush Administration's counsel contradicting the basis for these claims in front of the Supreme Court, in the context of the April hearing of the "enemy combatants" case.
I don't think counsel was trying to undermine the legal claims of these memos (of course, at the time, the public had no idea they existed). I think they were just trying to win the case in front of them. Earlier, needing to provide justification for torture, they choose a different set of foundational arguments.
June 03, 2004
Hmm …
Allawi's selection last week by his colleagues in the interim Iraqi Governing Council testified to his political skills. But some analysts said his campaign in Washington also had been a major help.Haven't we heard this story before?
- Member of an Iraqi exile group
- Wealthy British-based Iraqi expat behind the scenes
- Has worked for the CIA
- Eager to carve out power in post-Saddam Iraq
- Cozy with U.S. ruling-party legislators, executives and think-tanks
"It was a bid for influence, and it was money well spent," said Danielle Pletka, a Middle East analyst at the American Enterprise Institute, a Washington think tank. "Allawi has always assumed, in many ways correctly, that he didn't need a constituency in Iraq as long as he had one in Washington." [emphasis added]Like many, I don't know Allawi's story well-enough to have a solid opinion on his rise to prime minister, but didn't we just learn the lesson of trusting a general without an army?